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領域紹介 研究活動 研究成果 読み物 新着情報 お問い合わせ English トップ>研究成果>論文の紹介 Read this page in English 論文の紹介 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2023.10.11 高齢ドライバーは事故を起こしやすいのか? —1995~2015年の日本の運転者1人当たりの交通事故率の分析— 執筆:金 炅敏(社会システム領域 特別研究員)、松橋 啓介(社会システム領域 室長) 2023.9.19 太陽光発電と風力発電のエネルギーポテンシャルと都市部との距離の評価 執筆:SILVA HERRAN Diego (社会システム領域 主任研究員) 2023.1.4 福島県新地町における統合的エネルギーモニタリング解析と電力消費量推定手法の構築 執筆:平野 勇二郎(社会システム領域 主幹研究員) 2022.11.11 廃棄物処理施設から産業界への蒸気供給:経済分析および統計分析によるターゲット産業の選定 執筆:牧 誠也(社会システム領域 研究員) 2022.9.9 施設立地による時間帯別人口変動の影響分析 有賀 敏典 2022.8.26 A deep reinforced learning spatiotemporal energy demand estimation system using deep learning and electricity demand monitoring data (電力モニタリングデータと強化深層学習法を適用した住宅における自動更新型時空間電力需要予測システムの開発) Seiya Maki, Minoru Fujii, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Yasushi Shiraishi, Shuichi Ashina, Kei Gomi, Lu Sun, Sudarmanto Budi Nugroho, Ryoko Nakano, Takahiro Osawa, Gito Immanuel, Rizaldi Boer 2022.7.21 Quantitative analyses of misclassification rates in the hazard classification of environmental chemicals: Evaluation of procedures for deriving predicted no‐effect concentrations in the Chemical Substance Control Law in Japan  (化学物質の有害性分類における誤分類率の定量的な解析:化学物質審査規制法における予測無影響濃度導出手順の評価) Takehiko I. Hayashi, Ayako Furuhama, Hiroyuki Yokomizo, Hiroshi Yamamoto 2022.4.21 都道府県別人口変動に及ぼす年齢・時代・コーホート効果の分析 金炅敏、松橋啓介、石河正寛、有賀敏典、崔文竹 2022.3.31 Hourly future climate scenario datasets for impact assessment of climate change considering simultaneous interactions among multiple meteorological factors Yuki Hiruta, Noriko N. Ishizaki, Shuichi Ashina, Kiyoshi Takahashi 2022.3.17 A novel method for acquiring rigorous temperature response functions for electricity demand at a regional scale (地域スケールにおける電力気温感応度関数の新しい特定手法の提案) Yuki Hiruta, Lu Gao, Shuichi Ashina 2022.3.17 Regional and temporal variations in the impacts of future climate change on Japanese electricity demand: Simultaneous interactions among multiple factors considered (気候変動が電力需要に与える影響の地域、季節・時間帯による違い: 多様な要因間の同時交互作用を考慮して) 蛭田有希、石崎紀子、芦名秀一、高橋潔 2022.3.8 運転免許保有者数と運転者数の推移における年齢・時代・コーホート効果の分析と将来推計 金炅敏、松橋啓介、石河正寛、有賀敏典 2022.2.14 An assessment of the short-term impact of COVID-19 on economics and the environment: A case study of Indonesia Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui, Lukytawati Anggraeni 2022.2.14 Impact of Reducing Food Wastage to the Environment and Economics: A Preliminary Finding of Indonesia Case Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui 2022.2.14 Potential impact of introducing emission mitigation policies in Indonesia: how much will Indonesia have to spend? Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui 2021.11.30 Smart Community Recovering from the Tsunami-Disaster: Case Study of the Community Energy Supply Project in Shinchi Town, Fukushima (津波被害からの復興におけるスマートコミュニティ:福島県新地町における地域エネルギー事業の事例) 平野勇二郎、中村省吾、戸川卓哉、藤田壮、安達健一 2021.10.18 Measurement of the Importance of 11 Sustainable Development Criteria: How Do the Important Criteria Differ among Four Asian Countries and Shift as the Economy Develops ? (11の持続可能な開発クライテリアの重要度計測~アジア4か国での重要クライテリアの違いと経済発展による推移) 田崎智宏、多島良、亀山康子 2021.9.17 Genuine Savings and Sustainability with Resource Diffusion (資本が越境する状況でのジェニュイン・セイビングと持続可能性) 山口 臨太郎 2021.9.3 SDG implications of water-energy system transitions in India, for NDC, 2℃, and well below 2℃ scenarios Saritha Sudharmma Vishwanathan, Amit Garg, Vineet Tiwari, Manmohan Kapshe, Tirthankar Nag 2021.8.23 Threshold, budget and deadline: beyond the discourse of climate scarcity and control (気候変動のコミュニケーションにおける欠乏とコントロールの言説を超えて) 朝山慎一郎 2021.8.5 Balancing a budget or running a deficit? The offset regime of carbon removal and solar geoengineering under a carbon budget (予算の均衡化か、それとも赤字への転落か?炭素除去と放射改変のオフセットによるカーボンバジェットの予算管理体制という命題) Shinichiro Asayama, Mike Hulme, Nils Markusson 2021.7.28 Differing spatial patterns of the urban heat exposure of elderly populations in two megacities identifies alternate adaptation strategies (2都市における高齢者の暑熱曝露の空間パターンの違いによる代替適応戦略の特定) Chae Yeon Park, James H Thorne, Shizuka Hashimoto, Dong Kun Lee, Kiyoshi Takahashi 2021.7.13 The oxymoron of carbon dioxide removal: Escaping carbon lock-in and yet perpetuating the fossil status quo? (二酸化炭素除去をめぐる語義矛盾:カーボンロックインから逃れながら化石燃料依存の現状を永続させる?) 朝山慎一郎 2021.7.7 Beyond Japanese NDC: energy and macroeconomic transitions towards 2050 in emission pathways with multiple ambition levels (日本の国別排出削減目標の先に:複数の温室効果ガス排出削減目標引上レベルを考慮した排出経路における2050年に向けたエネルギー及びマクロ経済の移行) Diego SILVA HERRAN, Shinichiro FUJIMORI 2021.7.7 How Will Deforestation and Vegetation Degradation Affect Global Fire Activity?(森林伐採・植生劣化が全球の野外火災発生に及ぼす影響) Chae Yeon Park, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Junya Takakura, Fang Li, Shinichiro Fujimori, Tomoko Hasegawa, Akihiko Ito, Dong Kun Lee 2021.7.7 Implications of declining household economies of scale on electricity consumption and sustainability in China(中国における世帯規模の減少による電力需要と持続可能性への影響) Wenchao Wu,金森有子,Runsen Zhang,Qian Zhou,高橋潔,増井利彦 2021.7.7 Reproducing complex simulations of economic impacts of climate change with lower-cost emulators(気候変動による経済的影響の複雑なシミュレーションを低コストなエミュレータで再現する) Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Hanasaki N., Hasegawa T., Hirabayashi Y., Honda Y., Iizumi T., Park C., Tamura M., Hijioka Y. 2021.1.20 Challenges for realising Japan long-term strategy for decarbonisation under the Paris Agreement, and the role of scenarios Diego SILVA HERRAN, Akihisa KURIYAMA 2021.1.13 Climate Change Policy: Can New Actors Affect Japan’s Policy-Making in the Paris Agreement Era? 亀山 康子 2020.12.10 第4次メッシュレベルの人口変動に及ぼす年齢・時代・コーホート効果の分析 金 炅敏, 松橋 啓介, 石河 正寛, 有賀 敏典 2020.12.7 Promoting renewable energy through willingness to pay for transition to a low carbon society in Japan Lu Gao, Yuki Hiruta, Shuichi Ashina 2020.12.7 気候変動リスク認識に関する世界および日本の企業業種別分析 亀山康子, 佐々木実紀 2020.12.1 Analyzing the Uncertainty of Degree Confluence Project for Validating Global Land-Cover Maps Using Reference Data-Based Classification Schemes Qian Tana, Fujii M., Kinoshita Tsuguki, Bao Yuhai 2020.12.1 Development of energy balance table for rural and urban households and evaluation of energy consumption in Indian states Satish Kumar Yawale, Tatsuya Hanaoka, Manmohan Kapshe 2020.12.1 Energy system transformation to meet NDC, 2 °C, and well below 2 °C targets for India Saritha S. Vishwanathan, Amit Garg 2020.12.1 Low carbon development and co-planning mitigation actions to achieve the SDGs targets-a case of Bogor Sun L., Gomi K., Fujita T., Fujii M., Maki S., Gito I., Rizaldi B 2020.10.26 Spatial discounting of ecosystem services (生態系サービスの空間割引) Rintaro Yamaguchi, Payal Shah 2020.10.5 The Development of Climate Security Discourse in Japan Yasuko Kameyama, Keishi Ono(防衛省防衛研究所) 2020.10.5 Verification of Infection Prevention Control Using a Spatial Random Walk Model (時空間ランダムウォークモデルによる感染対策の検証) Toshiaki Ichinose, Danhe Tian, Yifeng Li 2020.8.31 Income inequality and the distributional effects of elevated carbon dioxide on dietary nutrient deficiency (所得不平等と二酸化炭素濃度上昇に伴う食料栄養不足の分布効果) Wenchao Wu, 高橋潔, Lin Zhou, Shaosheng Jin 2020.8.28 Assessment of bioenergy potential and associated costs in Japan for the 21st century (21世紀を通じた我が国におけるバイオエネルギーの潜在生産量及び費用の評価) Wenchao Wu, 長谷川知子, 藤森真一郎, 高橋潔, 大城賢 2020.8.17 Development of large-point source emission downscale model by estimating the future capacity distribution of the Chinese iron and steel industry up to 2050 Zhaoling Li, Tatsuya Hanaoka 2020.6.9 An overview of waste-to-energy: feedstocks, technologies and implementations Sun, L., Liu, W., Fujii, M., Li, Z., Ren, J., Dou, Y. 2020.6.8 Heat health risk assessment in Philippine cities using remotely sensed data and social-ecological indicators Ronald C. Estoque, Makoto Ooba, Xerxes T. Seposo, Takuya Togawa, Yasuaki Hijioka, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Shogo Nakamura 2020.6.8 A Review of the Sustainability Concept and the State of SDG Monitoring Using Remote Sensing Ronald C. Estoque 2020.6.8 Projected land-use changes in the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Insights and implications Ronald C. Estoque, Makoto Ooba, Takuya Togawa, Yasuaki Hijioka 2020.6.4 Available capital, utilized capital, and shadow prices in inclusive wealth accounting Yamaguchi, R. 2020.2.12 持続可能な交通まちづくり政策への社会的支持に関する考察 松橋啓介, 陳鶴, 有賀敏典, 金森有子 2020.1.30 Particulate Matter and Its Impact on Mortality among Elderly Residents of Seoul, South Korea Satbyul Estella Kim, Yasuaki Hijioka, Tatsuya Nagashima, and Ho Kim 2020.1.30 地域特性を考慮した収集運搬による費用・CO2排出量推計のための修正グリッドシティモデルの開発−愛知県を対象としたケーススタディ− 牧誠也,大西悟,藤井実,後藤尚弘,五味馨 2019.12.23 Assessing the potential impacts of climate and population change on land-use changes projected to 2100 in Japan Tomohiro Fujita, Toshinori Ariga, Haruka Ohashi, Yasuaki Hijioka, Keita Fukasawa 2019.12.12 気温と湿度に対する消費電力の感応度 一般送配電事業者ごとの毎時電力消費量に着目して 蛭田有希,GAO Lu ,芦名秀一 2019.11.15 Connectivity Assessment Based on Circuit Theory for Suggestion of Ecological Corridor Yoon E J., Kim E Y., Kim J Y., Lee D K 2019.11.6 Temperature as a risk factor of emergency department visits for acute kidney injury: a case-crossover study in Seoul, South Korea Satbyul Estella Kim, Hyewon Lee, Jayeun Kim, Young Kyu Lee, Minjin Kang, Yasuaki Hijioka, Ho Kim 2019.11.5 Vertical price transmission in the Nigerian cowpea market Wenchao Wu, Hsiaoping Chien, Takeshi Sakurai, Satoru Muranaka 2019.10.10 気候変動による全球規模経済影響のエミュレーション手法の試作と評価 高倉潤也, 藤森真一郎, 高橋潔, ZHOUQIAN, 花崎直太, 飯泉仁之直, 長谷川知子, 本田靖, 増井利彦, 肱岡靖明 2019.10.7 The Impact of Green house gas mitigation policy for land use and the forestry sector in Indonesia: Applying the computable general equilibrium model Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui 2019.10.7 市町村別家庭部門CO2排出量推計モデルの改良: 欠測データ処理と非線形回帰の適用 石河正寛, 松橋啓介, 金森有子, 有賀敏典 2019.9.3 Mapping of Research and Policy Concerning Climate Change and Cities in Asia Toshiaki ICHINOSE, Kai LIU 2019.8.16 Contribution to a low-carbon society from improving exergy of waste-to-energy system by upgrading utilization of waste Fujii M., Dou Y., Sun L., Ohnishi S., Maki S., Dong H., Dong L., Chandran R. 2019.8.6 Grouping of Water Supply-and-Demand Structure in the Yellow River Basin of China: Focusing on Balance between Groundwater and Surface-water Toshiaki Ichinose, Kai Liu, Akio Onishi, Feng Shi 2019.7.31 Scenario-based land abandonment projections: Method, application and implications Ronald C. Estoque, Kei Gomi, Takuya Togawa, Makoto Ooba, Yasuaki Hijioka, Chiaki M. Akiyama, Shogo Nakamura, Akira Yoshioka, Keisuke Kuroda 2019.7.16 Inclusive wealth in the twenty-first century: A summary and further discussion of Inclusive Wealth Report 2018. Yamaguchi, R., Islam, M., Managi, S. 2019.7.12 Potential Diversified Transportation Energy Mix Solutions for the ASEAN Countries Oka K., Mizutani W., Ichikawa S. 2019.7.9 Site-specific hourly resolution wet bulb globe temperature reconstruction from gridded daily resolution climate variables for planning climate change adaptation measures. Takakura J., Fujimori S., Takahashi K., Hijioka Y., Honda Y 2019.4.24 The future of Southeast Asia’s forests Ronald C. Estoque, Makoto Ooba, Valerio Avitabile, Yasuaki Hijioka, Rajarshi DasGupta, Takuya Togawa, Yuji Murayama 2019.4.5 Global advanced bioenergy potential under environmental protection policies and societal transformation measures Wenchao Wu, Tomoko Hasegawa, Haruka Ohashi, Naota Hanasaki, Jingyu Liu, Tetsuya Matsui, Shinichiro Fujimori, Toshihiko Masui, Kiyoshi Takahashi 2019.1.18 Intergenerational Discounting with Intragenerational Inequality in Consumption and the Environment Yamaguchi Rintaro 2019.1.18 健康で心豊かな暮らしと環境 山口臨太郎 2019.1.18 Backward- and Forward-looking Shadow Prices in Inclusive Wealth Accounting: An Example of Renewable Energy Capital Yamaguchi R., Managi S. 2019.1.18 Carbon footprint assessment for the waste management sector: A comparative analysis of China and Japan Sun L., Li Z., Fujii M., Hijioka Y., Fujita T 2019.1.18 Improving waste to energy rate by promoting an integrated municipal solid-waste management system Sun L., Fujii M., Tasaki T., Dong H., Ohnishi S 2019.1.16 メッシュ周辺人口集積度に基づいた乗用車CO2排出量の推計 陳鶴, 有賀敏典, 松橋啓介 2019.1.16 Challenges in Implementing Emission Mitigation Technologies in Indonesia Agricultural Sector: Criticizing the Available Mitigation Technologies Marissa Malahayati, Toshihiko Masui 2019.1.16 ヘドニック回帰分析におけるモデル選択に対する情報提供を目的とした多重共線性のリスク診断 蛭田有希,浅見泰司 2018.12.14 Socioeconomic factors and future challenges of the goal of limiting the increase in global average temperature to 1.5 °C Jing-Yu Liu, Shinichiro Fujimori, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Tomoko Hasegawa, Xuanming Su, Toshihiko Masui 2018.12.3 家庭CO2統計に基づく全国10地方別の排出要因分析と市町村別世帯あたり排出量の推計 — 全国試験調査結果を用いて— 石河正寛, 松橋啓介, 金森有子, 有賀敏典 2018.11.30 移動手段を例とした個人的な行動選択と社会的な政策転換の関係 松橋啓介, 陳鶴, 有賀敏典, 金森有子 2018.9.21 Varying bene_ts of irrigation expansion for crop production under a changing climate and competitive water use among crops Masashi Okada, Toshichika Iizumi, Takaaki Sakamoto, Mizuki Kotoku, Gen Sakurai, Yasuaki Hijioka, Motoki Nishimori 2018.9.20 Assessing environmental impacts and change in Myanmar's mangrove ecosystem service value due to deforestation (2000-2014) Ronald C. Estoque, Soe W. Myint, Chuyuan Wang, Asif Ishtiaque, Toe T. Aung, Lucy Emerton, Makoto Ooba, Yasuaki Hijioka, Myat S. Mon, Zhe Wang, Chao Fan 2018.9.20 A review of quality of life (QOL) assessments and indicators: Towards a ‘‘QOL-Climate’’ assessment framework Ronald C. Estoque, Takuya Togawa, Makoto Ooba, Kei Gomi, Shogo Nakamura, Yasuaki Hijioka, Yasuko Kameyama 2018.9.20 Monitoring surface urban heat island formation in a tropical mountain city using Landsat data (1987_2015) Ronald C. Estoque, Yuji Murayama 2018.9.20 Simultaneous comparison and assessment of eight remotely sensed maps of Philippine forests Ronald C. Estoque, Robert G. Pontius Jr, Yuji Murayama, Hao Hou, Rajesh B. Thapa, Rodel D. Lasco, Merlito A. Villar 2018.9.20 Changes in the landscape pattern of the La Mesa Watershed _ The last ecological frontier of Metro Manila, Philippines Ronald C. Estoque, Yuji Murayama, Rodel D. Lasco, Soe W. Myint, Florencia B. Pulhin, Chuyuan Wang, Makoto Ooba, Yasuaki Hijioka 2018.9.20 Proliferation of district heating using local energy resources through strategic building-stock management: A case study in Fukushima, Japan Yi Dou, Keijiro Okuoka, Minoru Fujii, Hiroki Tanikawa, Tsuyoshi Fujita, Takuya Togawa, Liang Dong 2018.7.3 Employing electricity-consumption monitoring systems and integrative time-series analysis models: A case study in Bogor, Indonesia. Maki S., Ashina S., Fujii M., Fujita T., Yabe N., Uchida K., Ginting G., Boer R., Chandran R. 2018.2.22 Modeling the relationship between the urban development and subsurface warming in seven Asian megacities. Ichinose, T. and K. Liu 2017.12.21 Contribution of the transport sector to climate change mitigation: Insights from a global passenger transport model coupled with a computable general equilibrium model Runsen Zhang, Shinichiro Fujimori, Hancheng Dai, Tatsuya Hanaoka 2017.12.21 インドネシアの民生部門への電力消費観測システム導入および多変量時系列モデルによる電力消費量予測 牧誠也・芦名秀一・藤井実・内田賢志・相沢研吾・藤田壮・Remi Chandran 2017.12.18 Potential of Waste Heat Exchange Considering Industrial Location Changes: A Case of Shinchi-Soma Region in Fukushima, Japan Yi DOU, Minoru FUJII, Tsuyoshi FUJITA, Kei GOMI, Seiya MAKI, Hiroki TANIKAWA 2017.12.18 Feasibility of Developing Heat Exchange Network between Incineration Facilities and Industries in Cities: Case of Tokyo Metropolitan Area Yi Dou, Satoshi Ohnishi, Minoru Fujii, Takuya Togawa,Tsuyoshi Fujita, Hiroki Tanikawa, Liang Dong 2017.11.8 高断熱住宅への建替えによる民生家庭部門世帯あたり一次エネルギー消費量の削減見通し 石河正寛、松橋啓介、堀星至、有賀敏典 2017.9.15 Household Activity Travel Simulator for Child-care: the Activity Re-scheduler with Interactive Generation of Alternative Travel Opportunities (ARIGATO-Childcare). Ariga T., Aono S., Ohmori N. 2017.7.3 Cost of preventing workplace heat-related illness through worker breaks and the benefit of climate-change mitigation. Jun’ya Takakura, Shinichiro Fujimori, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Yasuaki Hijioka, Tomoko Hasegawa, Yasushi Honda, and Toshihiko Masui 2017.6.30 より良い暮らし指標における重みの分析と持続可能発展指標への拡張の試み 松橋啓介、永野亜紀 2017.4.24 Regional feasibility study on district sewage heat supply in Tokyo with geographic information system Toshiaki Ichinose, Hiromitsu Kawahara 2017.3.13 SSP3: AIM Implementation of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways Shinichiro Fujimori, Tomoko Hasegawa, Toshihiko Masui, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Diego Silva Herren, Hancheng Dai, Yasuaki Hijioka, and Mikiko Kainuma 2017.3.3 インドネシアの自主的に決定する約束草案と整合的な低炭素エネルギー発展シナリオ Ucok W.R. Siagian , Bintang B. Yuwono, Shinichiro Fujimori and Toshihiko Masui 2017.2.8 On the scaling of climate impact indicators with global mean temperature increase: a case study of terrestrial ecosystems and water resources Akemi Tanaka, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Hideo Shiogama, Naota Hanasaki, Yoshimitsu Masaki, Akihiko Ito, Hibiki Noda, Yasuaki Hijioka, Seita Emori 2017.1.16 Will international emissions trading help achieve the objectives of the Paris Agreement? Shinichiro Fujimori, Izumi Kubota, Hancheng Dai, Kiyoshi Takahashi, Tomoko Hasegawa, Jing-Yu Liu, Yasuaki Hijioka, Toshihiko Masui and Maho Takimi 2017.1.12 世界のガス排出のダウンスケールと気候モデル実験から得られる含意 藤森真一郎, 阿部学, 木下嗣基, 長谷川知子, 川瀬宏明, 櫛田和秀, 増井利彦, 岡和孝, 塩竃秀夫, 高橋潔, 建部洋晶, 吉川実 2017.1.12 Global land-use allocation model linked to an integrated assessment model Hasegawa, T., Fujimori, S., Ito, A., Takahashi, K., Masui, T. 2016.12.14 4つの中間目標:気候変動政策パッケージ評価のための方法論 亀山康子, 川元亮徳(有限責任監査法人トーマツ) 2016.11.16 空家の地域内分布に関する現況および将来推計 石河正寛、松橋啓介、有賀敏典、金森有子、栗島英明 2016.10.21 建物ポイントデータの床面積補正を通じた民生部門エネルギー消費量の推計 石河正寛、松橋啓介、有賀敏典 2016.10.14 Achieving China’s INDC through carbon cap-and-trade: Insights from Shanghai R. Wu, H. Dai, Y. Geng, Y. Xie, T. Masui, and X. Tian. 2016.10.5 Urban Structure and the Number of Seniors with Poor Access to Transit: Spatial Analysis of the Greater Tokyo Region. Ariga T., Matsuhashi K. 2016.9.15 Quantifying the economic impact of changes in energy demand for space heating and cooling systems under varying climatic scenarios T. Hasegawa, C. Park, S. Fujimori, K. Takahashi, Y. Hijioka, T. Masui 2016.9.15 SSP3: AIM implementation of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways S. Fujimori, T. Hasegawaa, T. Masui, K. Takahashi, D. S. Herran, H. Dai, Y. Hijioka, M. Kainuma 2016.9.15 The impacts on climate mitigation costs of considering curtailment and storage of variable renewable energy in a general equilibrium model. Dai, H., S. Fujimori, D. S. Herran, H. Shiraki, T. Masui and Y. Matsuoka (In press). 2016.6.15 Economic Impact from PM2.5 Pollution‐Related Health Effects in China: A Provincial‐Level Analysis Xie Y., Dai H., Dong H., Hanaoka T., Masui T. 2016.6.15 Analysis of Optimal Locations for Power Stations and Their Impact on Industrial Symbiosis Planning under Transition toward Low‐carbon Power Sector in Japan H. Shiraki, S. Ashina, Y. Kameyama, S. Hashimoto, and T. Fujita 2016.1.29 気候変動による低栄養と健康負荷の経済的含意 長谷川知子・藤森真一郎・高橋潔・横畠徳太・増井利彦 2015.10.29 持続可能な発展の目標からみた総合計画の評価の試み 松橋啓介・永野亜紀 2015.10.8 エネルギーサービス需要低減の価値: 統合評価モデルを用いた気候緩和シナリオによる定量化 藤森真一郎・甲斐沼美紀子・増井利彦・長谷川知子・戴瀚程 2015.10.2 世界のコムギ生産の適応経路:気候変化への戦略的な適応の重要性 田中朱美・高橋潔・増冨祐司・花崎直太・肱岡靖明・塩竈秀夫・山中康裕 2015.7.14 排出権取引の協力ゲーム:買い手に支配された国際許可証市場 本城慶多 --> 領域紹介 領域紹介 社会との連携 メンバー 環境経済評価連携研究グループ 研究活動 研究概要 研究課題 脱炭素・持続社会研究プログラム 持続可能地域共創研究プログラム 統合評価モデルAIM 研究成果 研究成果 論文の紹介 ディスカッションペーパー データベース・ツール 読み物 研究者インタビュー コラム 刊行物 動画 新着情報 新着情報 イベント・講演 報道発表・メディア お知らせ サイトポリシーソーシャルメディアポリシープライバシーポリシーアクセスお問い合わせ Copyright © National Institute for Environmental Studies. All Rights Reserved.


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